Church Programs

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Mark 12:30-31a) These church programs build relationships, have scripture-based discussions and learn how to implement the truths of God’s Word into our own lives and the lives of those around us.

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Church Programs

Sunday School

Weekly Sunday school for children 4 through 12 is offered at 10:00 AM, between our two worship services.

Senior Ministry

Holy Trinity provides pastor care and worship for the seniors at the East Pittsburgh Senior apartments and at the LGAR home in Turtle Creek.

Vacation Bible School

Holy Trinity hosts a summer VBS for the children, ages 4 to 10, in our community.

Food Shelf

Holy Trinity provides non-perishable food supplies and gift cards for those needing emergency assistance.

East Hills Youth

Youth group meets every Monday, 6 to 7:30 PM.

Youth Camp

Holy Trinity sponsors a one week camp for teenagers, hosted every week in East Pittsburgh. Our purpose is to teach youth how to give generously out of gratitude for what God has done; teach the youth how to use hand and power tools; and, rehab the home of the at-risk seniors in our community.

Harvest Party

Every Halloween, Holy Trinity has a cook-out for those children who are trick-or-treating. We pray for all of the children and parents who attend; and, we provide them with a meal and desert to help power them through their evening.

Small Groups

Small groups take on many forms: they meet in homes; they meet in the church building; they gather in places of employment; they gather around food; they gather around games; they gather around sports; they are short term; they are long term; they meet in East Pittsburgh; they meet in Greensburg 20 miles away. They all share one thing in common: they are a gathering of Christians to support one another. Small groups are, by definition, small and organic. Therefore, we do not have a list of groups that one can join.

However, we do provide an all-church small group training program during the season of Lent to help people start and maintain small groups. We connect people who might share similar interests.

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