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4th Sunday after Epiphany (2/2) "Jesus' Rejection"

3rd Sunday after Epiphany (1/26) "Jesus' 5 Kingdom Priorities"

2nd Sunday after Epiphany (1/19) The Wedding at Cana

1st Sunday after Epiphany (1/12/25) "The Baptism of Jesus"

2nd Sunday in Christmas (1/5)

1st Sunday of Christmas (12/29) "Joseph and His Migrant Family Flee to Egypt"

Christmas Eve, 7 PM Worship (12/24)

Christmas Day (12/25)

4th Sunday Advent (12/22) "Waiting for the Lord"

3rd Sunday Advent (12/15) "Ordinary Acts of Grace"

2nd Sunday Advent (12/8) "Repentance is Our First Act of Gratitude"

1st Sunday in Advent (12/1)

Thanksgiving Eve (11/27)

25th Sunday after Pentecost (11/10) Grateful Giving

26th Sunday after Pentecost-"The Time of Completion" (Sermon Only)