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Traditional Liturgical Service

Sundays @ 9:30am

• Located in our Holy Trinity Chapel
(the upstairs sanctuary).
• Holy Communion is celebrated weekly

Contemporary Service

Sundays @ 10:45AM

• Located in our Holy Trinity Fellowship Hall (downstairs)
• Contemporary and traditional hymns are led by worship band
• Holy Communion is celebrated weekly
• Children are welcome to play in our nursery in the back of the worship space • We are also intentionally autism friendly

Evening Prayer

Tuesdays @ 7:00pm

• Located in our Holy Trinity Fellowship Hall (downstairs) • Communal Dinner/Holy Communion are offered weekly • Bible Study and a time of prayer follows the meal

Preach from the Choir


Music is a big deal here.

Holy Trinity has many musicians who play a great variety of styles: classical to rock to band to jazz. Musicians are given the opportunity to lead worship or special music at our regular services or special mid-week celebrations. We have a pipe organ in our Holy Trinity Chapel that is used in our traditional liturgies, one of the few remaining “Carnegie Organs” in the city of Pittsburgh. We also have a band that leads music for our 10:45 AM contemporary service.